Monday, October 12, 2009

Origins Of Contemporary Homelessness

SLIDESHARE dot Net Presentation:... At the top of this post
(an Overview of the Origins of Contemporary..)
CLICK will take you to the Slideshare dot net website.
Then in BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER of this presentation you
will see what looks like a portable movie screen....CLICK That
and you are at FULL SCREEN.

When you are done then hit your ESCAPE BUTTON
on your computer keyboard (top left).
You may then have to click your BACK BUTTON to return
to this web blog. So clicking the FAVORITES BUTTON
is something to consider now before proceeding.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

SlideShare Presentation via Social Entreprenuership at Change dot org

Social media is two way interaction. We listen and then respond.
Response Ability........ This Author is also the blog moderator and
writer of the" Social Entrepreneurship" section of Change dot org.

Change dot org. has a number of active sub communities which
include Homelessness, Poverty , and an unstarted Affordable
Housing effort originated by Shannon Moriarty who is the moderator and writer for Homelessness.

Harness The Power Of Web 2.0

SlideShare Presentation: by Co-Founder of SlideShare dot net.
Speaking of Social marketing potential to Indian internet market.
Indian middle class numbers are around 300 million and
technology has the access to the internet in a bottleneck
limiting access for now. 30 million or 10% at this time.

Non Profit 2.0

SlideShare/ Generational sectors divided into sub-sections
And INACTIVES. Not included but from another presentation, the
US Population , 61% of households making less than $30,000. per year are connected.

Is the internet included in that 30% affordability ?

75% 0f Adults nationwide
85% age 30 - 49

Selling Good Works -- Marketing.

SlideShare : This presentation originates from Indiana.
Home to almost 35,000 non-profits. Less than half have
a strategy or business plan ,and about 27% have a web site.
Alliance mathematics expressed here is 1PLUS 1 = 3.

Content Creations Strategies for Nonprofits

SlideShare Presentation: very simple and to the point.
FOOD FOR THOUGHTS that will empower engagement
and action. Whatever is done becomes interactive with
compliments to the audience, not the chef.

Social, Serious and Selective.

SlideShare : Cause marketing for social change.
Eating disorders could possibly take offense at
the Food for thought example previously given.
But the point here is that specific communities
have a better way to reach each other than ever
before. Levels of desired privacy are and can be
built in to the social platform.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Social Media

SlideShare : Think of a Social Media website like a content
publisher. By the people for the people. Peer created,Peer
moderated. 70% of purchase decisions rely on word of mouth
from peers. This presentation has alot to share.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Values begin as a Negative number?

We take children from their parents. Because the
parents became homeless and this taking can
traumatize the kids , but we still maintain that it's for
their own good (shades of Alice Miller) . Or was it
that we wanted to traumatize the parents too?

Now like Housing First, indicators reveal that it
is less expensive , 5 times less,to keep the family
together than it is to terrorize it apart .

On it's face it seems that children are being held
above the fair housing act by being excluded
from having to Go homeless. Their parents be damned.
But "WE" know whats good for others as long as it seems
a cheap alternative. .Churn this around some. Explore
your belief system. Be brutally honest with yourself.
You dont have to admit anything to anybody else.
Get real. Does the "future" not depend on what
we do in the present? Is it more so that there is
only a succession of nows? When the Future does
get here it's only now? We teach by example and
they learn by watching what we do.

We discriminate against the adults. We will herd
adults around from camp ground to camp ground.

We are finding out that we have been wrong
by wasting money and that is what we truly
valued. ...the money. Excuse me but your Life
does not seem to be of any value, please move

But , God may this be true, what I really see
is that parents have been included into the grace
we show children, or thought we were showing
them , to be more precise. The inHumanity we
put up with displays the lack of respect we consider
acceptable for ourselves.

See this article .............sign up for their Newsletter.
It is the most relevant newsletter out there.

This Human Rights stuff is primal .

If I confront your Love of children understand this.
What we do by pretending love only leaves our mess
for our Grandchildren and their Grandchildren to clean up.
Isn't that what we are really teaching them to pass on?

Here is what I have been going on about.
Featured: June 25, 2009Every Child Deserves the Right to Housing.
Waters introduces resolution on children's right to housing .

Today the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Housing and
Community Opportunity, Maxine Waters, introduced a House
Resolution 582 supporting the right to housing for
all children together with their families.

The resolution recognizes that as Americans, we believe
our children shouldn't be denied the right to be housed together
with their families based on what neighborhood you live in,
or how much money you make.

Click here to read more.

May 21, 2009Suit Filed Against City of St. PetersburgSouthern
Legal Counsel (SLC), Florida Institutional Legal Services (FILS),
and the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (NLCHP)
filed a lawsuit in federal court yesterday on behalf of a class of
homeless plaintiffs challenging the constitutionality of a number
of ordinances and practices that target homeless individuals living
in St. Petersburg.

Click here to read more.
June 19, 2009Stop Discrimination Against HomelessEarlier this week,
a UN Expert on Racism, Mr. Githu Muigai, introduced his report to the
United Nations Human Rights Council regarding the his visit to the
United States in May and June of 2008, condemning the disparate
law enforcement efforts against African American homeless persons
in Los Angeles' Skid Row.

Click here to read more. Insult to Injury: Violations of the Violence Against Women Act
An Ounce of PreventionPrograms to Prevent Homelessness in 25 States
Without Just CauseA 50-State Review of the (Lack of) Rights of Tenants in Foreclosure
2007 Annual Report
Determining HomelessnessA Defintion
Our programs: Housing Domestic Violence Income Children and Youth Human Rights Civil Rights Hurricane Katrina LEAP
Home News About NLCHP Press Releases Publications Action Alerts Calendar of Events Contact Us Donate Join Us Wiki Privacy PolicyCopyright © NLCHP 2008

Monday, June 22, 2009

Population,Energy,Transportation,and Affordable Housing Trends

Joining up Transportation,Housing,
and Enviromental Policy
by John Puentes

Get your coffee and sit down for this one .

We have an article over at Planetizen dot com which tells about 3 Branches
of Government getting together to discuss Affordable Housing.
A Brookings Institute writer is impressed, I actuallythink things
might get to happening. D.O.T. , H.U.D. , and The EPA all in the same room .
And another thing is mentioned that Blows my mind...... ,

We have a projection of 213 billion Sq. Ft. of Housing,Retail and Commercial
need to be built Nationally by 2030. The 64,000 workforce housing units
the TERWILIGER ULI report stresses for FAIRFAX makes me feel that a
24/7 effort ought to be underway already. Thats only 20 yrs. out.

If you look into the population projections and Median Age shifting upward
from 26 yrs to 37 yrs by 2050 you start to see that 50 yr. planning is essential.
Take a look at these graphs , the time warp is the baby boomer generation.
Notice the upward growth trajectory declined a touch in 1860 and 1930
We seem to be going straight up now, no more gradual inclines. The ability
to mash up the goals of these Departments should give us Transportation
and Energy Efficient Affordable Housing. Expense and cost are finally
Bt 2050 17 Developed countries will have a median age over 50.
6 million people anticipated to be 100 yrs of age by 2050. And as I
have said before only 75 million people in the US alive today will be
alive in 2050 of the more than 400 million population projected.
Have a good read.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Behind Door #1 please

This isn't a Game Show, as much as I wish
that it was. What is behind Door#1 is the
first housing option I hope to be offered
some time in the future. I suspect that
I will gladly accept any offer received and
That is Behind Door #1.

My Social Security stipend would be around
$700 per month, meaning that I would pay
rent in the amount of $210 per month using
the 30% guideline before any medicine costs
and I am not sure what that would be at this

I would lose my membership at South County
Health Clinic. Last I heard any Homeless person
was eligible for at least 6 months treatment .
Thats worth checking out. They do make you
prove a lot of info before accepting new members.

The Emergency rooms around town are INOVA.
You might get immediate help but you will go
begging for the prescription costs. So if you can
stress this to the DR. and try for generic. Then
you ought to get them at Wal Mart with a call
only by phone, but they can direct you to help.

With Social Security I would then qualify for
Medicaid. So I am not looking forward to the
Changeover. And Then Food stamps change
too. So I am really humbled that this is what
I am hoping for right now. The Average SSI
or SSDI check nationwide is about $700.

A "normal" household considers Utilities to
be about 3 to 5 % of income. The average
Electric bill nationwide is $90. Thats not
5% to me. Thats 12-15% , or a $270 amt.
to your $90. And phones dont count?

We will find out someday.

LIVING ON..............regardless.

You tend to watch expenses when you are living
off of gifts from friends, call it handouts if you
wanted to, but I will continue to call them gifts.

General Relief in Fairfax comes once a "review"
is completed by a Dr. . So a professional opinion.
But they direct you to apply for Social Security
as a condition. An intake person sorts us thru
at the very start. Then A Doctor examines you
and if the Dr. agrees you receive an amt. based
on your having proven a disability. They give Food
Stamps too. Combined amt. at the time was
$380 or so.

If you are inside a dwelling and are contributing
to the household or just your space they sort thru
that to determine assistance you are getting already
if any and then decide whatever they decide.
I understood that I was headed for Homelessness
while still not yet evicted . I simply surrendered to
my situation, my Depression. And asked for help.

And in the process began receiving $220 per month.
Nobody offered or suggested rental help . The landlord
wanted to keep me if there had been a way. But I didn't have
a clue and was not about to make a hopeful promise to pay
at some point in the future which I couldn't keep.

So I suspect that eviction help is only for families?
Or these servants are editing and judging who must
really need the help. The Nurse Practitioner I saw first
basically told that to me. But then they would have
responded that the case manager's job covers the mention
of Housing, not the Prescriber of the medicines.

Not my job, not my job either, my job? , not my Job.

I was only directed to a shelter. And where is the door
you knock on looking for help with housing????
Please tell me where that is please.

So you only learn what they tell you. $220 per month,
but not why or how. Yet the rules tell you to that you keep
them immediately up to date. So I got into a Shelter and
the G.R. was cut to $74. Since I was receiving housing
shelter from a county provider. At the per bed cost of $1150
per month including 2 meals a day, case manager, and classes
that I was coerced to take. In the 'HOUSING READY"
theme. So now I am paying rent? $150 per month?
And someday they will think I am ready.

Not really, When I was out of the shelter ( another story)
I found out then that I still only would recieive $74 as a
Homeless person. The $220 is for those with a Housing
expense. Misconceptions are perpetuated in a passive
aggressive way?

A. $220 is housing assistance once you subtract $74. from it.
But when was I to figure that out? Am I guessing ?
B. Accepting $220 also means I am not Homeless. Not by H.U.D definition
and therefor totally ineligible,if i had.
C. And I had to show via an Examination I was / am disabled.
This isn't kids stuff ,this is adults jumping through hoops.
D. If you aren't disabled then you are eligible for? Only Food Stamps?
Now I know why they pan handle for beer and cigs. They being
those people who have done so. I couldn't afford to be Homeless
if I still smoked. Sharing a cigarette happens alot too.

So I have maintained a storage space in Chantilly with the
$74 General relief. Technically I am paying rent, just not
residential rent.

And this month I learn that Giant and Safeway gave up
trying to compete with Wal Mart. $4.00 regular 30 day
generics at Wal mart was $23. at Giant and $42. at Safeway.
The woman one place stared right thru me , and the man
at the other place at least agreed that these corporations
like treating the public like Fools. $4.00 is a small amt.
to most people. It once was for me. But no longer.

Connect the Dots

It seems to me that a day doesn't pass that I don't learn about
a new organization thats been in existence 20 or more years.
The age isnt so important as is the overwhelming feeling that
I will never be able to grasp whats going on. The automatic
response to a problem is to create a solution. And the next
thing you know a new 501 c-3 is in the cooker.

As new philanthropists seek out ways to serve this
community, we find consolidating efforts like a
VOLUNTEER MATCH and smaller data collecting
efforts such as GUIDESTAR out of Williamsburg,Va.
Just comprehending whats in Fairfax by itself is daunting.
Never had need to use the word Daunting til this moment,
and now it does fit . The information is still not centrally
locatable. If as I suspect ,most people do not have the
compulsive drive That I am using now as I persue my
answers, then at some point they go to the most

Non-Profits acting as branch offices of County
services is great. Except no one tells you thats
what happening. No Overview of services is presented.
The Case managers , well , everytime I turn around I
had another one. Each place I go to had one for me.
At this point I could arrange a training seminar for them .
And I know I dont know nearly whats needed and whats
available. Hidden behind the curtain the great and wonderful
Oz knows. But are they telling? Each one is posturing for
the camera , thats for sure.

Online now we are seeing the use of TAGS.
These are like memory joggers which help you group
and retrieve information via the TAGS. We also have
a hierarchy of concerns that an organization is persuing.
Anything to help a person find and understand what they
are looking at. The amount of time and energy a group
spends on its core objectives can be enhanced with a
system that sorts through the Blurr. Connecting the dots
between those that share similar affinities ought to help
accelerate the positive outcomes that no longer are resource
wasteful. But allowing them to stay separated respects
the character of each . Even just networking would
improve the prospects for all.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

There, I said it !!

Since we Virginia residents pay a sales tax on
purchases. I believe it's 5.5 cents per dollar ?
Let us tax our property tax. In a comparitive

Sales tax on every dollar. The perception of?
Why not add 6 cents on every $100 of that
assessed valuation, present it as a seperate tax?
So lets get AFFORDABLE HOUSING on track
and get these people off the streets. By attending
to the need and adding 6 cents per $100 to the
Real Estate tax .A 27 million per Penny yields
162 million per year. If thats off by a few million
per penny then oops. Minimizing the comparison
and maximizing the positive human benefits.

My plea is that we create a baseline of building
which includes revitalization of Urban locations
which are location efficient to the bottom dwellers
of the Affordable Index. Working the Bottom up.
This base of positive activity can crank out
production even in "down times " because we
know that the cycle has nothing to do with
the volume of Affordable Houses needed by
our experienced study of the growth

Scarcity only supports those selling.
A show of strength by Affordabilty
Advocates would clearly help make this
obvious . Building a base of units inspire
a more accurate look at this spiritual malady
hidden within the Affordability syndrome.
Why we have been unable to allow this
human rights issue to fester and persist.

In a 10 year time span we would channel
about 1.5 billion to Affordable Housing. The
ULI Terwiliger Workforce Housing initiative
suggests 65000 workforce units by 2025.

Thats the need for housing units just in fairfax
and is not the total projected need, just the
Workforce affordable segment. 15 years equates
to about 4325 units each year. That first year
might surpass SRO and such for the Homeless.

This wont solve our projected needs without 9 more years
of effort . With 50 % leverage this would buy 2 billion worth
of property. A 2 bedroom at an average of $200,000 is 500
cash so 1000 extends the 100 million with a 30 to 62 million
reserve. 10 x 1000 only yields 10,000. units in 10 years.
Call that a 10 year plan. The Intuitive 10 yr.plan.

Take care of Affordability and Homelessness diminishes
dramaticaly. If we take til 2018 to build these units to end
homelessness we collide with affordability deficits. Solve
two problems with the same efforts. Tweet ,Tweet for

Homeless in Fairfax

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Working from the bottom up.

I was pretty busy today. I was invited to the CFUH board retreat
in Reston/FoxMill area which was guided by a facilitator who
kept things on track. That may be old hat for some people but
it was a new experience for me. Their agenda was simply the
agenda being monitored.

Information bullets that would meld into a news release and
an action plan to get to the Fall board . Human information
management wiki in the processing. Content developed in
context, without the confusion afterwards the board had
their private recap meeting.

This was the second time at one of their meetings
and I quess that i am one of them myself now.
As the only Homeless person in attendance ,
as I introduced myself I mentioned that the closest
I come to a church is 12 step meetings.
This rounded out the "representation" .
That was my simple way of acknowledging my
belief in God. Not AA.

I saw a few people I met a few months ago in
the hypothermia program at this same church.
And met another person referred to back then
by a wife. A comment about my car was then
turned around on her about his "crummy watch,"
all in good fun. The more important thing was
my experience is needed.

I explained to a few people that I am not
a Homelessness advocate per se. Homelessness as
seen by me is a function of a lack of needed Affordable
Housing. Solution based versus problem based. The
meeting was percieved by me to be an unfoldment
of understanding as to just what CFUH was and is
becoming. And wanting to meld into the existing
efforts already underway. The number of charities
and non profits can overwhelm a person not knowing
what to expect. It was agreed to find out from these
other how we can help and how they can help in return.
Not wasting effort or energy if at all possible.

The guy with the "crummy" watch spends time in Richmond
working to advocate for the Homeless and Poor. I learned that
the powers that be in Richmond arent funding some basic things
specified in the multi-trillion dollar stimulus plan. If not now?
When? This just didnt make any sense. I cant ask for myself
as easy as I can for people who have or could have a chance
to avoid the wonderful experience I have been blessed with.
Thats a cynical statement to some ,,but my attempt at seeing
it a different way takes work . It doesnt come easy at times
and the absurdity of withholding funding makes zero sense to

So I will study his web site and absorb what I can and just
maybe make a contact with a member of the State Senate
that I have known for quite some time and bumped into at
the Grocery store. This would and will be a stretch for me.
Like I said, I dont ask for help nearly as well as most. The
big guy who can take care of himself is a cover up for being
scared. Depressed helps support the idea of a negative
outcome so I can be okay with inaction covered in a layer
of anxiety . If it was only recently then I would call it
procrastination and I have paid dearly in my life for that
if that is what it is. 35 or 40 years of almost but not quite.

Depression cuts you off at the first opportunity to do so.
Writing this blog is a therapuetic endeavor. If I somehow
help you then great, but I truly know that I do this for
myself. 23 years ago I wrote for 3 weeks solidly turning
out 700 handwritten pages , downloading my brain
onto paper. That in itself lifted a huge chunk of the fog
surrounding my mind. Thats when I began dealing
with suicidal thoughts in a more mature way. I knew
I was in "pain" just not how to relieve that pain.
What I knew about myself was no longer up for
interpretation by others. So what about what I know,
it ruled out what I could not do which is terminate
myself , could not see getting wasted as anything
else but suicide roulette. So no mental masturbation
about drinking or drugging.

Some like to argue differently and be taken seriously.
I enjoyed the meeting today and being taken seriously.
Even if you dont agree, as long as we are alive we
can see things and discuss them and.....get something
done for affordable housing.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Definiens Definiendum

Definitions in Government vary,depends on which agency
you go to. They all get to re-invent the A,B,C's. And all this
time you thought you were confused? I didn't learn this quickly
at all, so off I charged using my best thinking and searching
out information scattered over what feels like the known
universe. Information by itself doesnt mean a thing in little
pieces until you can cement it together, just like bricks dont
build a home by themselves. Putting it together will not make
sure it stays together. Ouch ! The subtle nature of semantics
can get one past you in a heart beat. I used the word "CHRONIC"
in a past post as my poster child for this. You can continue once
you look up the meaning............

Now that you are back let me say that you made
a few assumptions if you didnt get your definition
at simply because that is the
only definition that matters if you want their money.
Throw out the window all your logic and determine
what,who,why, where first. Make sure you remember
to retrieve that logic, just dont be so sure at the start
that you know anything.

George Bush said they wanted
in 10 years not "HOMELESSNESS" itself.
Yes, 360 communities nationwide have
adopted a 10 year plan to end homelessness
and that includes Fairfax, Virginia.
But a uninformed reporter with no contextual
background can twist things around in a
New York second while being sincere .

That is why I am sure that without an
official dictionary of words and what they
mean to us when we deal with any part of
the government we continue to allow political
double speak which just passes off the payment
to our Grandchildren and great- grandchildren.

The practice used in Bills to explain
the exact nature of the intent and such.
But not everyday or cross borders into
other councils and such. So much can be
said while remaining mute this way. Closing
this road with a functional dictionary would
make finding what you need to find so much
easier and the 2nd cousin of the R word "reliable."


defined in such a way that
WE ALL AGREE upon it's
relevance and WHY WE WILL
From the Bottom up
and the top down
so that we meet in
the middle.

God!!! Wouldn' t that be a a miracle .

Somewhere along the way the symptoms of
unmet Affordable Housing needs veered off
course and created seperate lesser problems.
It may be the biggest thing in my life right now,
but I really dont want more company in my parking lot.
The true reflection of our attitudes towards
Human Rights may be showing in that we allow
this deficit to persist, and please disagree if you
need to. If some push and others pull we
may just get out of this rut,

Homeless in Fairfax

Friday, June 5, 2009

Affordable Housing Ramble

My thoughts started at Affordable Housing and went up north
to a place made cold by the thoughts of money ,scarcity and lack.
Market forces? What does that really say to you? to me ?

Supply and Demand and now to reverse those
words to imply a different relationship. Demand
and supply. As I play with these words it becomes
a bit clearer.If I have the supply then I certainly
dont want a lesser demand.
Reframe this thought........2050 we shall see a
population increase of say 33% . So If I drag my feet
these next 42 years and purposely supply less than
the demand I can certainly have an expectation of
being Rich a few times. So long as the price of my product
can be met while i construct the houses and get them
delivered I can stay ahead of the economy.

There is no reason for me to want to share this knowledge
as Some are aware enough to figure this out and the others
can bumb along for the ride. The economic momentum stops
with a recession. Projects take 36 months to come out of
planning with approvals.

Deep deep pockets can see past that distant horizon.
The ones who can keep plugging along are the first wave
of potential winners. Those with cash see the returns made
on the money. The ones leveraged can topple due to lack of
foundation depth. How fast the economy comes to a stop is
the madness seen recently. Hugely leveraged operations are
better off coming to a stop slowly if they must stop at all under
the guidance of Bankruptcy law.

So I worry how many years it will take for a political force to push
Affordable Housing numbers up high enough that Homelessness
isnt used as a measure of Collateral damage. An Opportunist/
Capitalist has no motivation to engage in a mature effort to
meet housing demands. Zoning laws must act as the behaviour
modifier. Political will must confront the fact that Big Money
will not support these efforts until it see's repercusions and
consequences of it's own making.

I have said it before. This country was founded
on the homeless of Europe shipping over . This means
also that Politicians have kicked this problem around
for centuries.

Affordable must be defined bottom up and
top down so that we can meet in the middle.

Because if you havent noticed ,by creating different
definitions for the same word we are effectively
divided by semantics and that is why we must have
one definition that all can agree on .

From there we can pool our talents
and resources and create the change we seek.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Micro Economic Business Model To Employ The Homeless

These people have done a wonderful job of creating
possibilities that could work places that allow street
vending . But look at it completely to really appreciate
the efforts .

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Harvard's Top Ten Ways to Green Your Scene

This presentation shows that doing good for the planet
does not require a PHD from Harvard. Just some daily
effort . If we reduce Energy consumption 33% by 2050
we will be using the same amount as we are using today.
It will be what we do with the rechanneled resources
between now and then that makes the big Difference.
So too you can see that something more like a major
change in Energy source is needed.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Students experience homelessness - for one night

Click on Whitman-Hanson to see the article
Whitman-Hanson students experience homelessness — for one night - Whitman, MA - Whitman Times

Posted using ShareThis

I get the idea that one could get a PHD in persuing
homeless data. My real cynical side says to make
kids know that if they screw up this is what to expect.

If we trace the origin of homelessness by what
most people recall in the Bible as Exodus.
We then wonder if Pharoah kicked them out
as much as they might claim the freedom
viewpoint. Either side wins the debate.
The result being a people wandering in
the desert for a couple of generations.

What are we telling the children?
What are they saying? Do we tell them that
this country was built and populatedby
Europes cast offs, the wandering homeless
in the 1700's ,1800 and 1900's. This also
includes the radical religous sect's like Catholics,
Quakers and Puritans . Better to send them off
than the alternative. Early on around 1799 when
George Washington died, The likes of Jefferson
and Madison discussed this very fear. Some even
suggested involuntary servitude for anyone idle
and without land on which to then support
themselves. It took a few centuries for the
little guy to be counted.

I simply bring up a few questions that I
will try to elaborate upon for my own benefit.
If you had a national vote by Kids only ?
What would they tell us they want for their

Modern Homelessness can be traced back
to the Mental Institutions closing along
with law changes. But Government
reluctance to support and push affordable
housing thru zoning guidance is as much
the fault as anything else. We will happily
build and build Places of incarceration calling
it justice and progress. But releasing someone
out onto the street Homeless literally
guarentee's failure. Hardin,Montana has
the idea down pat.

I'll shut up for now,
Thanks and God Bless.

Facing your Fears.

“What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty,
but failure.” “So why do I talk about the benefits of failure?

Simply because failure meant a stripping away of
the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that
I was anything other than what I was, and began to
direct all my energy into finishing the only work that
mattered to me. I was set free, because my greatest
fear had already been realized, and I was still alive,
and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and
I had an old typewriter and a big idea.”

J.K. Rowling

Seems it really does not matter who you or
for that matter who you think you are. Ouch!!
Anyone can become homeless and you are made
to either face yourself or find a way to escape the
pain. Its not nearly as painful after 11 months than
it was at the begining. I have learned to not discuss
something painful unless I am emotionally safe. I get
a greater sense of safety as time goes by. But I also
see a grieving process take place over time because
of my guarding my emotions which slows the process.

I get the poverty thing, actually learning that little
things add up and that I will somehow make it when
before I was really scared much of the time. I am
more afraid of letting you the reader in and seeing me
for who I am than being flat broke week after week.
Standing up for what I believe is important rather
than hoping you like me. Co-dependant to the core.
I can do something for you far easier than I can for
myself. The benefits of failure are real. Only
it's rather depressing while processing the feelings.

Then an Aha! moment arrives and the circuitous
route that brought me here begins to make sense.
Literally the only reason this is "Bad" is because I
tell myself that it is. The Aha moments wipe the
slate clean and allow me to know that I/we are
not alone. That there is a power greater than ______?
Me, thats for sure.

Spiritual growth can only be the purpose of all this.
Growth to just write . Express myself, see my words
in front of me. Own this experience as mine. Not a victim
but participant in the role God has given me. I Never promised
God I would go willingly as such. You dont get a written
invitation to this deal. Unless thats how you see eviction notices.

I like what Mrs.Rowling said .The guts to live your life
homeless has taken some time. Chasing the elusive hope
of housing when confronted with overwhelming reasons
you think it wont happen for you can be like a cat chasing
it's tail. Chasing down the details of your life
while you are homeless is like herding cats.
The Cats look at you like your crazy.

Thanks 4 now.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Baby Boomer Generation 1946/1964 80 million strong.
In 1996 they started turning 50 at the rate of 10,000 per day.

By 2026 they will start turning 80 yrs old, but not at the same
rate. This generation holds 70 % of the net worth of the USA.
In 1946 the USA was 6 % of the world population but made
50 % of all Goods manufactured. We grew up during the
time that EARTH DAY , EPA and H4H were just being started.
In 1970 we numbered 205 million and by 2050 that number
will have more than doubled to 430 million or so. Right now
in 2008 we are at 303 million which for comparison sake is
the same number as the entire Indian middle class. And we
would have to cancel Christmas if something happens to the
Chinese people . They are where we are getting the goods
manufactured today.

When we reach 2050 most all of the 80 million called Baby
Boomers will be gone. Their Children will take over the 65
and up population. 2008 may be the moment in time that
inexpensive energy becomes redefined. Many of the things
we took for granted are becoming redefined. A new lexicon
is being written because of emerging values . Being part of
that redefinition taking place will help insure that hearts
and minds are changed.

More than 230 million people of that 430 million est. for
2050 have yet to be born. If we reduced our energy use
by 33% over the next 42 years we would still be using the
same amount of energy as today. The price of housing will
continue upwards as will utilities to power them.

If living on the street causes depression as it tears down
the mental constructs of what was ,it makes way for what
can and will be. Only 73,000,000 who are here today
will be around in 2050. And still there will be more than
127,000,000 more than now. Seems to make me think
that all those SRO's are going to Senior Residence
OOOOOO. Oh ! somethings

Demonstrate,Involve and Empower.die

D. Change shows a hub and spoke configuration
similar to Federal/Express . Information flows in
and out of the Hub powered by thought. What is
it that you want to change?

I. Social networking goes out of its way to let you
have your say. Tell-a-friend built in so I can save
it to my email when I am on someone else's machine.

E. Share it widget so You can post it any darn place
you are already, or want to be. Someone said that it's
the thought that counts . Since you have'nt given me
permission to read your mind , click send please.

The template I call Change .org is like the
BATTLESTAR that is capable of launching CLONES
for specific causes which in turn ramp up the Monetizing
aspect which supports the REPLICATORS that are at
the local level. Franchizing the organizational framework
so that as an example: A Street Paper could be pasted
up such that National news is supplied in the regular
format by the Battlestar leaving local news to be inserted
by the Replicators. A partially created /Fill in the blanks
task. Www.NASNA.orG ( street newspaper.)

A 30 yr old report explains to me why the Template
prepares to strike when the media is hot. Tell me what
you think.


Thank You for Joining me today!

Got a email letting me know that Jerry over
at accepted my invitation to
join over at 's EndHomelessness.
The topics covered by a Ms. Moriarty impart a
sense of understanding that is refreshing.

Now how do we do that around Fairfax?
Impart a sense of "TRUST" that is refreshing.
As great an idea as "HOMELESS CONNECT"
is thats theoretically only one day a year. So
as refreshing as that event will be, it still wont
build a sense of community here locally. Go to for more info on "Homeless-
Connect" We create an online community
like these power point presentations describe.
I think I just uttered a suggestion.

Hey! Jerry. I just made you part of an online
community.'re it. !!

Trust Strategy...peer trust is self reinforcing

As someone who is "Homeless" , the feeling
of a great divide emotionally between others
and myself took a bit of getting used to.
I maybe shouldnt trust my feelings near as
much as I do since I have to sort them out
from a dysfunctional basis as well as a Boomer

But from slide 19/21 "Trust Drives" shows
a generational divide that supports that I
am dealing with both intertwined.

A dysfunctional generation we Boomers.
Boomers/ Tweeners as a group and the
GenX/Millenials as the more comfortable
with this Social Networking stuff. Creating
AFFORDABLE HOUSING for all ,the goal
the solution to END HOMELESSNESS.

And Just how do you do that when you
dont trust that Political Will stuff?

How Social Media has Changed Word of Mouth Marketing: Using the Internet to Build Long-Lasting Buzz about Your Brand.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Political Will versus Public Trust

Will I have to get a PHD in Homelessness to
understand the political rhetoric that passes
for information? As a person diagnosed with
Major Depression it can be a bit of a task to let
these words slip past without a meeting on just
the definitions . What did I just read?

The Penny Fund for Affordable Housing has
been cut in half for 2010. And yet but its not
being used for new ?Projects? Yet we call it
The Penny Fund not the 1/2 a Penny remnant.

Everything I have gleaned here online says to
keep the postings short . Check out the web site (Subscribe 2 Newsletter)
(join as a paid member) , Tell your Church about

Does this Fund have anything directly to do with
the 10 year plan? How will THAT be funded? Do
we have a 10 year plan with political will behind
it? Or will it be like a law that has no enforcement
budget. A lion with no teeth .

I realize that I need to study the plan that has been
written in which "HOSTS" will be created that are
the doorways into the "Housing First" model. Okay.
But I believe its a legitimate concern. How are we
going to keep the feet to the fire? Or whatever those
figures of speech are.

Political accountability..........

If this was a bond for Parks or new Schools it would
have passed already.

Change The World a childish persuit ?

I am going to try and paraphrase something I recall
which was shared with me by Charles J. Givens.
I first met "Chuck" when I attended an Alpha-Mind
Power course up in Arlington Va. conducted at a little
community center. I was 14 yrs old and around the
same time frame that I flipped out on LSD. So at a
very early age my mind was blown a few different

"WHEN I WAS YOUNG I wanted to change the world,
but the world wouldnt listen and so I decided to change
my country. Try as I might I couldnt bring about the
change I sought. I tried to change my town and even my
wife but all of them just did not suit my desires. But now
that I am older and hopefully wiser I realize now that if
I had changed myself , then my wife might have seen
different, my town and even my country would have
changed and who knows I might have been able to change
the world."

When I change the way I look at life , then life
changes. It is how I choose to see things that
dictates my happiness , not the happenings.
Who do you talk with and trust with your views?
Get Connected , keep those connections open.
it's how the flow keeps going.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 Year Plan to End Homelessness

Somewhere in or around 2001, President Bush declared
years. The County of Fairfax got behind the idea in year
? 2006. We finally have a "Director of the Office to Prevent
and End Homelessness" a Mr. Dean Klein.

Welcome Sir, you didnt reply to my first email.
Get settled in , I await your getting up to speed.

Welcome him and say Hello :

December 31, 2018 END of HOMELESSNESS
in Fairfax County.

Welcome to Fairfax Co , a World Class Business Location

We are certainly International now. Far different than when
a Farm House could still be seen at Rt. 123 going to Vienna
at Rt. 66. You had to then pass Effie's Family Bargain Center
on the left in Oakton as you proceeded to Nutley .
Did you know that Time Magazine calls Fairfax Co.

"one of the great economic success stories of our time".

You will find that quote on the bottom of the
Economic Development Authoritie's web site.

Wonder how much more valuable the county would
be as a business location with a 100 % housing ?
(positive goal versus power to the problem.)

We have a top rated school system ,competitive
to private school rankings teaching the 12th
largest enrollment in the United States.
We have the political will to have marketing
offices in San Francisco, Bangalore,London,
Seoul, Frankfurt, and even Tel Aviv.

Think I might just ask a few CEO's what they
think about that.

People Who Are Vulnerable, Complex & Chronically Homeless

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Quotes for Affordable Housing

Quotes by

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